venerdì 19 dicembre 2008
Maschera occulta - Hidden mask
mercoledì 26 novembre 2008
Donne al bivio - Women at the crossroads
English Version is coming soon
Economic and social equality betweem women and men is still an utopy. So far prejudices about women in work place are persistent and consolidated in our culture. Statistic researches have shown that even if a woman candidate possesses more qualifications than man, employers will opt to get the job to him. Moreover, professions as the being doctor, engeneer or to be part of political parties gives the opportunity to the women to enter but cases are a small minority. During one of my lecture of "Issues of journalism " it has been debated reasons that could bring to this social unbalance among genders. One of mine classmate has premised to be absolutely for women that work but at the same time he exposed what it happens in the "real word". He said: " a woman owes obligatorily to take him at least a day off of job to be able to give birth. This can cost millioni to a financial company". Society put under accusation female body as a result of be a mother. In a world still dominated by men, motherhood still represents an obstacle to be a woman in career. Every human being has ambitions and put so efforts in order to reach their dreams. Women that want to undertake "masculine professions" are forced to put in discussion the choice to be parent. All of this is not true for men to whom paternity gives joy and remove abosultely nothing regarding working field. It must been understood that every woman is special because in her body generates life and this fact cannot be a boomerang against her.
Note for readers: Once again, the position of my classmate are for women in career. He only pointed out a sad and true reality about financial company.
sabato 8 novembre 2008
La mia Prima intervista - My first Interview
Alum: Primo, Azuk e’ una polverina e anche se ha un colore arancione viene comunque assunta inalandola per via nasale. I giovani che sniffano queste sostanze legali potrebbero pensare che anche la cocaina, che e’ comunque un prodotto naturale, non possa essere poi cosi’ pericolosa. Secondo Azuk contiene caffeina. So’ bene che questa sostanza si trova anche nella cioccolata e nei drink energizzanti, ma il contenuto di caffeina nell’Azuk e’ equivalente a 16 caffe’. Per persone con problemi di cuore o di alta pressione sangugnia potrebbe essere molto pericoloso.
Come esperto so che la cocaina e la caffeina fanno parte della “stessa famiglia” di droghe. Ci sono molte similitudini tra le due, entrambe infatti agiscono sul sistema nervoso dando eccitamento.
Alum ha concluso l’intervista sostenendo: “ Noi, (membri di Hope Uk) puntiamo sulla prevenzione che e’ la cosa piu’ facile. La meno costosa e migliore della cura. Sfortunatamente tutti i soldi sono spesi per le cure”. Come dargli torto.
There are people and places that will stay in my memory as an instant picture that will fix forever an epic moment. My first radio interview will fluctuate in my thoughts for long time. It will being in my mind and drive me towards more ambitious project. I am convinced that journalism will be my job, I feel that is my passion. I believe this is the right gift that mend every day I have passed when I had some much dubts about my future. Those day coloured in grey brought me into my new bright days. My new start smells as a cup of expresso, tastes as chocolate and give me a peaceful sensation.
AZUK... Herbal powder
We can say Azuk is an herbal powder. The snuff is tobacco free,energising guarana and glucose, flavoured with orange and peppermint.According to Zuka, the maker of Azuk, it provides an instant energyboost, improving concentration and efficiency. The bottle comes inblue and orange packing, specifically targeting young people. Thecharity Hope Ok is worried that this herbal powder glamorises the wordof drug-taking. Clelia spoke to Alan Morian a scientific advisor and drug educator for Hope Uk.
Alum ended up the interview saying: We think the prevention is much easyer, much better and much cheaper than cure. Unfortunetly all money are in cure.
domenica 19 ottobre 2008
Odi et Amo
Giudico l'arroganza il livello più basso dell'intelligenza umana. Non riesco proprio a comprendere cosa spinga gli arroganti a pensare che il loro punto di vista sia l'unico possibile mentre l'opinione altrui è qualcosa da esplellere comunque. Odio la vendetta, questo orribile sentimento che colpisce non solo chi la subisce ma anche coloro che la praticano restandone intrappolati. Non sopporto le persone che si prendono gioco della fragilità altrui e ne approfittano. Non mi piace pensare ad un mondo monocromatico, preferisco immaginarlo pieno di sfumature e riflessi di luce luminosi e brillanti.
Amo le persone che sanno esprimere i propri sentimenti ed hanno sempre il coraggio di esporre liberamente i propri pensieri. Sono affascinata da chi mi può insegnare ciò che non conosco e da chi sa capire quale sia il momento giusto per tacere e riflettere. Provo una profonda ammirazione verso coloro che vivono la loro vita a tinte forti ma allo stesso tempo sanno rimettere in discussione le loro scelte. Prediligo i cibi semplici, poco elaborati, forse perchè amo i sapori intensi. L'autunno è la mia stagione preferita, rimango incantata a vedere le foglie giallastre staccarsi dai rami e volare in aria come splendide farfalle. Mi piace pensare che domani sarà comunque un altro giorno impegnativo, ma rappresenterà un altro gradino che mi avvicina alla meta.
English version
I love I hate
I judge arrogance as the lowest level of human intelligence. Really, I don't understand what push arrogants to think that their point of view it is the only possible or reasonable while other's peoples opinions are always wrong. I hate revange, this horrible feeling that not only hurts victims but also those people who practise vendetta. I can not bear person who take advace of other peoples britleness. I don't like to think of a monochrome world, I prefer to immage it full of colours and bright reflexes.
I love people that always know how to express their feelings and have courage to say what they really think. I really like those who can teach me something that I don't know. I appreciate those who know when it is the moment to speak but also understand whether to keep silence and reflect. I feel a deep admiration for those who live her's/his life intensely but at the same time know how to criticise every single wrong choice.
I love intense taste, this is why I prefer simple kind of food. Autumn is my prefered season, I am spellbound to see leaves detached from branches flying in the air like butterflies. I like the thought that tomorrow will be busy day but just another step forwards to my final goal.
mercoledì 8 ottobre 2008
Life is a Cabaret
I could define my coming back in London as a windmill of emotions in the amazement of novelty. Everything is new, there is still so much "road to cross " but I know for sure that I won't be alone. Lights will switching on and off however on the stage someone will appear to teach me something that I don't know yet. I have been fatiguing days indeed, I have brought everything of my world in a suitcase wandering without destination until I found my "nest". A nice house sharing with three fantastic housemates, near London Bridge. I am sipping red wine in an elegant glass and I am wandering when it will begin the second part of this play and what it is hidden in the backstage. Doesn't matter for now, I want to finish my wine and then I 'll go to sleep with the courisity of what could happen tomorrow. Really it does't make any difference if tomorrow there would be a sun or grey clouds. In anyway drop curtain will be open and I will dance again.
lunedì 22 settembre 2008
Cappuccetto Rosso - Little Red Ridding Hood
sabato 13 settembre 2008
Arriverderci Roma - Goodbye Rome
Note for reader: Nobody can copy and paste my pictures without my authorization.
giovedì 4 settembre 2008
Twiggy e le altre - Twiggy and the others
Cena: 1 pesca
Le autrici sono giovanissime, tra i 17 e i 12 anni, e attraverso i blog hanno scoperto il modo per socializzare rimanendo comunque isolate. Una di loro si fa chiamare Ana, che a ben leggere è un modo carino per definire l'anoressia. Ma che nessuno si azzardi a nominare la malattia nei loro blog! Per le Ana's Girls non c'è nulla di male a volere assomigliare a Paris Hilton o Elle Mc Parson.
We would want not to fell some news, all of us would prefer to think that adolescence is a critical period of life but nobody would ever dare to define it as the antichamber of death.
lunedì 1 settembre 2008
Aborto Sin Pena - Abortion Sin Pena
sabato 23 agosto 2008
Io e il Boss - Me and The Boss
martedì 12 agosto 2008
Orgoglio Italiano tutto al femminile - Female Italian pride
Tris d'oro
La Vezzali era partita dall'Italia con il fardello psicologico di essere la favorita al gradino più alto. Tutti contavano su di lei la campionessa che non ha mai deluso nelle competizioni importanti. Un attimo di incertezza, la tentazione di non andare in pedana ma poi tutto è cambiato. Vince la sua battaglia per il terzo oro, prima di tutto sfidando se stessa e poi tirando fuori grinta e freddezza che la contaddistinguono. Valentina ha sempre puntato il fioretto verso imprese sempre più ambiziose, ed è stata l'ambizione a farla diventare una vincente. La piccola Nam la stava raggiungendo ma a quattro secondi dalla fine Valentina sferra un attacco fulmineo. Un grido liberatorio e la gioia di aver compiuto un impresa storica per la scherma e un autoaffermazione personale indiscutibile.
Giulia Quintavalle è la prima italiana ad aggiudicarsi l'oro olimpico nella disciplina del judo. Lei è sempre arrivata quinta nelle competizioni, dopo l'oro ha dichiarato scherzando: "Pensavo fosse un destino legato al mio cognome, ora chiamatemi Primavalle". Su di lei nessuno avrebbe scomesso nulla eppure questa ragazza ha stupito tutti e ce l'ha fatta. Ha cominciato a 5 anni a praticare il giudo, a ventanni dall'inizio c'è stata la consacrazione definitiva.
English Version
The tallest Olympic platform, tricolour Italian flag above their heads, the Mameli's hymn plays again in the air, it is the victory's moment for Valentina Vezzali (fencer) and Giulia Quintavalle ( judoka). Two warlike never surrended and at the end two women that gained the dream of gold medal.
Three times gold
Vezzali had departed from Italy with a strong psychological burden to be the favourite athlete to climb the tallest step of fencing platform. Italian counted on her because she never made disappointment during the most important competitions. An istant of uncertanty for her, the temptation not to parteciapate to this Olymipc game, but it was an istant and then all changed. First of all she challenged herself and with grim and athletic coldness she won her third gold olympic medal. Valentina has always aimed her foil toward "ambitious undertaking", it has being ambition that always changes her as a winner. Nam, her opponent, was reaching Valentina but to four seconds from the end of the competition she has given a rapid stab. She won, a liberating shout went out of her mount, it was the awareness to have complited a historical enterprise.
First Italian Female Champion on Tatami
Giulia Quintavalle is the first Italian Female Champion to gain a gold medal for judo in the history of Olympic game. Till now she always reached fifth position, after her victory she joked: "I thought was a desteny bound by my surname (translated in English is fifth valley). From now you can call me first valley". No one would have bet on her, yet this girl has astonished everybody and has achived the first position.
Valentina e Giulia represent passion for sport, will and wish not to surrender also when things seem to turn to worse. Homer, the ancient greek writer, used to say: "There is not victory more beautiful than the one obtained with your hands", and Vezzali and Quintavalle have dosed hands movements and coordinating them with legs always staring at their opponents.
Today Italy thanks this two modern amazon that had written their name of the sport history and gave a winning immage of my country. They are Italian women that challenged pregiudices, undertook male sport and are came out thanks determination of who reconizes how to avoid obstacles. Protagonists guided by istint, technique and wish to win. Emanuela Audiero, an Italian journalist, recommends to not define them " Little women are growin up" but "Big woman affirm themself", I belive this is true. Bihind every woman there is an affermation spirit, redempition wish and wishes to excel. Someone hide it others show it. The second one won to Pekin.
giovedì 7 agosto 2008
I soliti Idioti - Idiots
Una frase che mi piacerebbe ricordare loro è: "Meglio tacere e dare l'impressione di essere stupidi piuttosto che parlare e togliere ogni dubbio". Fino ad ora mi sono sempre astenuta dal pronunciarmi per un semplice motivo: gli idioti aprirebbero un infinito dibattito su come convincermi del contrario, e credetemi non c'è cosa peggiore che assistere ai loro sproloqui innegianti la loro intelligenza o creatività. Francamente ho cose più importanti da fare che soffermarmi ad ascoltare le loro disquisizioni e poi se è vero che di idioti è pieno il mondo è pur sempre corretto sostenere che di persone interessanti se ne trovano ancora in giro.
English Version
I always do effort to keep a diplomatic balance with idiots. I define foolish who never puts again her/his own thought in discussion, thinking that the other ones are to border and not a foundamental part of life. Who looks for absolute perfection convincing himself/herself to be able to reach it and not making himself/herself account that is pure utopia. Who boasts to got a hight level degree but on the other hands he/she don't know how to fill out a form in bank or to understand what common sense takes for granted. Who conceals behind false moralism and, as the most incapable housewife, hidden every unwanted thing under carpet convincing himself/herself that sooner or later it will fade away. Who ignores events showing them as banality and trusting only in the "divine provvidence". Who speaks of matters of which ignores basic contents "spreading very well own little education".
I would like to remember them a famous sentence: " It's better keeping silent and giving an impression to be stupid rather then speak and remove any doubts". Till now I have always stopped to pronuce it for a simple reason: idiots would open a long and boring debate in order to convince me to the opposite thesis, and belive me hearing their rambling speeches that celebrate their " intelligence" and "creativity" it is so bad. Frankly I have to make things more important than fell their disquisitions and then if it is true that word is full of idiots it is also correct to say that there are a lot of interesting people around my way.
sabato 2 agosto 2008
Niente più tabù in spiaggia - No more taboos on the beach
Oggi i tabù sono così elastici che non si rompono più. Un tempo i "panni sporchi si lavavano in casa", le beghe familiari rimanevano intrappolate nelle quattro mura domestiche e le donne sfoggiavano in pubblico meravigliosi sorrisi plastici. I tempi sono decisamente cambiati, me ne sono resa conto osservando le donne in spiaggia, intente non solo a spalmare abbronzanti e leggere romanzi rosa ma anche a confidare i loro più intimi segreti ad una semisconosciuta o alla sconosciuta vicina di ombrellone. Da queste conversazioni emerge di tutto: crisi coniugali, tradimenti, bugie, fobie sul sesso, depressioni e pettegolezzi sui rispettivi compagni. Parlano della loro vita, senza remore, pudori o finte ipocrisie. A prima vista le "indagate" sembravano donne comuni quasi banali, ma una volta iniziata la socializzazione da spiaggia tolgono la maschera e rivelano la loro vera essenza. E' proprio vero, siamo nell'era dei realty show e le donne in spiaggia annoiate ed accaldate sono stufe dei soliti gossip, infondo mettersi a nudo non è poi così difficile quando si indossa solo un tanga.
Fonte foto:
English Version
No More taboos on the beach
Nowaday taboos are so elastic that are not broken anymore. Once dirty cloths were used to wash inside house, family quarrels remained into domestic boundaries and women showed off marvelous plastic smiles in pubblic place. Time is defenetly changed, I have realized it observing women on the beach, they are not only spreading tanning mostourize or reading novels but also they are busy to say their intimate secrets to unknown neighbors, always women. From these conversations goes out everithing: marriage crises, betrayals, lies, sex phobias, depressions and gossips on their boyfriends or husbands. They speak about their own life without any hesitations, modesties or false hipocrises. At a first sight the "investigates" seemed common women, almost banal, but after socializzation on the beach they remove any mask and reveal their true essence. We can not denie we are in the reality show's time and women on the beach are borred and weather in august is so hot so they do not want general gossip, at the end it is not so difficult get undress their soul and personality when they wear only tanga snd microscopic bikini.
venerdì 25 luglio 2008
L'ambizione è Donna - Ambition is Woman
"Life is too short to taste low quality wines"
martedì 8 luglio 2008
Sbonzorexia - Drunkolexia
Ecco la campagna di Oliviero Toscani
Happiness's cocktail for women, or at least for 54% of them is to be thin. It is shocking to know that a relevant percentuale of women , above all American, prefer to be thin rathen than intelligent. Upsetting it is then the fact that my eyes saw a survey, performed by experienced sociologist, which revelas as a great number of girls prefer to get drunk rather than overweight.
mercoledì 25 giugno 2008
Dicono di me - About me
Che sono sincera, ma la mia sincerità non è riservata a tutti indistintamente. La sincerità è qualcosa che và conquistato, come ho già scritto, non spreco più il mio tempo a lottare contro chi decide di incastrasi nel suo angoletto e non ascoltare confrontandosi con gli altri. A tutti coloro che non reputo degni dell'onestà del mio pensiero dispenso sorrisi e frasi di circostanza, non meritano nulla di più.
They say that I am a bitch since I apply my energies to the solution of my happyness, and not to other people happyness. Do you find it so much blameworthy? If each made her/his own energies to be happy available there should be less unhappy people in this word. I have developed a deep respect of me, nobody has be able to make coming out my personality. who is my friends have turned only "the key", I have personally crushed accellerator, changed gears and driven myself among "curves and rectilinears" of my life.
They say that I am sincere, but my sincerity is not to everybody. As I have already written sincerty is something that must be conquered, I don't waste my time anymore to "fight" against who closes herself/himself in a corner nor listening neither comparing his/her life with others. All those people whom I do not repute worthy of my honest thought I usually give smiles and sentences of circmstances, they do not deserve more than this.
They define me mutable. I hook to evolve me in new forms and hate calm that precedes every storm. Thousand time I die and rivive raising myself from evrey hit of my life... I have became strong and determinate in that way.
Someone love me... others hate me ... but nobody ignores me.
I am one ... anyone ... and 1000 person.
sabato 14 giugno 2008
Vite al margine all'ombra della Mafia Gialla
Fonte immagine:
Chinese mafia is the master of forgeries: documents, games and Ferrari. Even Chinese call girls pretend to be geishas. Tokyo remains sexier than Peking in the collective imaginary. The exploiter of “human meat” have understood it very well, and what they are for able managers give to the costumers what the market prefers, as then no one asks for the passport to the end of every performance.
Sex affair is much more productive compared to nailed women in front of sewing machine to manufacture posh dress. The Chinese ones does not perform the most ancient job on dreary pavements, but in luxury flats, usually situated to first floor of posh house in the north of Italy. It is not a choice for this gorls but a forced nightmare. They have rushed to selective abortion but their fault has been to born women so that the Chinese state did not recognize to their family any economic incentive. Daughters of poverty and misery are sold to users without any scruples. They are the gods of exchanges to be able to correct their debts family condition. In Chine, the punishment inflicted to these sex dealers will swing between three and five years of imprisonment, the same punishment cows thieves receive.
Screw consume a denied freedom panting, in a restless silence that an incompatible loneliness which contains with nightmares word sees with open eyes. Existences “turned off” in a room, under slavery weights where everything is denied. Chinese geishas have nothing about elegant or cultured, do not have minimum conception of what which you mean sensuality…they are only tools of the perversion which slowly will annihilates them. Not at all it has several sense for these victims equalized to cows, their life is a debit neither suicide will be able to pay off.
Image source: