Che sono sincera, ma la mia sincerità non è riservata a tutti indistintamente. La sincerità è qualcosa che và conquistato, come ho già scritto, non spreco più il mio tempo a lottare contro chi decide di incastrasi nel suo angoletto e non ascoltare confrontandosi con gli altri. A tutti coloro che non reputo degni dell'onestà del mio pensiero dispenso sorrisi e frasi di circostanza, non meritano nulla di più.
Mi definiscono mutevole. Amo evolvermi in nuove forme e odio la calma piatta che precede la tempesta. Muoi e rinasco mille volte rialzandomi dai contaraccolpi sempre più forte e decisa.
Alcuni mi amano, altri mi odiano, nessuno mi ignora.
Io sono una, nessuna cento mila.
English Version
They say that I am a bitch since I apply my energies to the solution of my happyness, and not to other people happyness. Do you find it so much blameworthy? If each made her/his own energies to be happy available there should be less unhappy people in this word. I have developed a deep respect of me, nobody has be able to make coming out my personality. who is my friends have turned only "the key", I have personally crushed accellerator, changed gears and driven myself among "curves and rectilinears" of my life.
They say that I am sincere, but my sincerity is not to everybody. As I have already written sincerty is something that must be conquered, I don't waste my time anymore to "fight" against who closes herself/himself in a corner nor listening neither comparing his/her life with others. All those people whom I do not repute worthy of my honest thought I usually give smiles and sentences of circmstances, they do not deserve more than this.
They define me mutable. I hook to evolve me in new forms and hate calm that precedes every storm. Thousand time I die and rivive raising myself from evrey hit of my life... I have became strong and determinate in that way.
Someone love me... others hate me ... but nobody ignores me.
I am one ... anyone ... and 1000 person.